Projekt Orbit24

Projekt Orbit24 sind DeDe Handon und Eva Weingärtner.
Uns vereint die Idee des Netzwerks von unterschiedlich denkenden Individuen und der Gedanke des Austauschs. Wir glauben, dass kein Mensch sich nur für Kunst interessiert, sondern Kunst immer im Interessensgebiet der KünstlerInnen entsteht.
Von 2018-2023 betrieben wir gemeinsam ATELIER ORBIT24, ein Kunst- und Veranstaltungsraum im Frankfurter Osten. Näheres hierzu findet man auf unserer website .
Seit 2024 arbeiten wir unter dem Titel Projekt Orbit24 raumungebunden an gemeinsamen künstlerischen Projekten.

SOS Survival Exit; rush hour Festival 2024

We morse code: „LAST EXIT…LOST EXIT?“ from 4.9.-8.9.2024
Our contribution for the festival „rush hour“ (artistic work along the Hanauer Lnadstrasse): The 8th floor of Orber Straße 24 shines in bright blue light in ON-OFF frequencies/morse code. Over and over again: „LAST EXIT… LOST EXIT?“. The spectacle was visible from Hanaue Landstrasse from sunset until 11 p.m .
At the same time the space of ATELIER ORBIT24 has been transformed into a gold chamber. Rescue blankets shape space within space. Pictures will be posted on our instagram atelier_orbit24. The gold chamber can not be visited.
Video an pictures are on
It is a question we ask the city out there: „Can there be a way out of the crisis? Is it too late or a we still able to take responsibility for a decision on a way out?“ Wtih these question come all the big questions of our time for us: „Is there a possibility of a fairer treatment in the distribution of resources? How can we end the spiral of violence? and turn towards humanty as a human race? Is there a way to treat nature not as a peice of goods, but like a living organism?“
Emergency blankets line the room from the inside an reflect the light from the spotlights. This symbolizes a safe space for us, a place of salvation, a treasure trove of gold. Metaphorically this means two things for us: on one hand, a region reserved for the rich in which a supposed safe space still exists, and on the other hand, a space inside everyone that, evoked by the imagination, contains a personal resource: hope.